New Bern - Round 3 - Santander

Welcome to the third round of my Prosperity Challenge. I can't believe after this we will be on the forth round! Any way, lets get to this.

While in the other households Dana Santander was born. The family was in love with the new baby. 

Anita was finally opening up and making friends around the neighborhood which like, finally. 

The Santanders are so good when it comes to promotions and I couldn't be more proud of them, though for some reason they are always poor. 

Rhys had the day off so when his daughter came home with a project he hopped on it. They make a great pair. 

Teagan gets home from work without a promotion and 1200 in bills so she gets another loan for 10.000 dollars. 

Finally it was Dana Santander's birthday, he gained the Silly Trait. 

Neither parent can leave this cutie alone. 

But they finally get Dana down for the night and Teagan goes off for a midnight skate. It doesn't go the best. 

The first food Dana eats is fish tacos and seems to like it a lot. He didn't throw it not once. 

Funny story, after I got in game and saw the name, Dana, I thought oh they had a girl. Then 'she' grew up like this and I was like awe okay two daughters.. Maybe just one more kid.. I then got a pop up and it was about Dana and it said 'He' ...

Long story short, he got a makeover. Just shorter hair but it makes a difference. 

Finally a promotion.

♥ Ollie. 

The friend comes over pregnant mind you which is okay I guess. We are going to want townie kids eventually. 

The parents and kids have a long talk about more pets.. Everyone agrees 2 more dogs won't hurt. 

So here they are, also is that a freaking fox??
Black dog = Biscuit
Fox = Napolean 

Some pup spam. 

Rhys gets another promotion and chooses Food critic because more money and a better hours. 

Dana talks to his sister about princesses while she does her homework. The conversation last well after she finishes her extra credit. 

The boys enjoy ghost night and Rhys finds the first sim he dislikes. LOL


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