Homestead - Holland

Keenan finally found a job in the business career, he was eager to start but he had to wait a day. 

Heavily pregnant but otherwise good to go, Sarena often had guest over her homestead. 

But Keenan did most of the gardening because he was worried about his wife and didn't want what happen to her sister to happen to her. 

Keenan heads to his first day of work and gets promoted. He wasn't surprised because this was his job before the wipe out. 

He heads over to Ezra's lot but it was pretty dead so he heads back home with all his money. His wife would be happy about that. 

Sarena goes into labor late in the night and has a little girl she names Ngozi Holland.

The Holland family was doing well for themselves so Sarena started to interview wet nurses. 

This one was amazing with Ngozi so far. Sarena felt she might just hire her. 

Homestead: 4
Business: 3
Playables: 9
Business: 1/2
Criminal: 0/2
Law: Unlocked


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