Boolprop 15th Birthday - 6


Another promotion and another completed job!

Inez gets a job as a bus driver making great money! If only. 

Quinn gets a promotion and completes his first job. 1/2 of his ltw completed

Quinn gets his second job as a dentist. He is starting off kind of low at level 5 but hopefully it goes by quickly.

Double promotions today for my babes. Inez only has one more promotion to go before she has topped another one. 

Vice paints his mother and it is an awesome picture.

Inez completes another job! 

She takes one in the roboticist career. 

Inez gets her first enemy and it happens to be a co-worker friend of her sons. 

This chapter is mostly promotions because that is the primary focus. 

Lets throw a birthday in this promotion mix. 

Here he is all grown up.

He rolls Pleasure!

Another birthday for the youngest member, Ichigo.

Quinn invites his fiance over to meet his family. 

Inez gets her final promotion for her career!

She secures a job in Education at level 8 which means in 2 days she will have another job done. 

Linda (the wife) got a new job as well. 

This chapter ends with Quinn meeting another guy he finds cute. I also find him kind of cute tbh.

Lets check the stats!
Completed 25: 5
Completed 50 : 1
Completed 75: 32
Completed 100 : 0


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