Hippy Town - Loner (May22)

Loner Household
Ajay Loner - 31

After long last I had made it to Hippy Town.. It was becoming one of the most infamous towns to ever exist. I was glad my application was accepted. 

I moved into a crappy apartment at the edge of town but I was hoping my luck would change. I did meet my neighbor. A young fellow. His name is Mark and he had just dropped out of college to move in with his cougar fiancĂ©. Strange. 

My application was accepted on one condition. I had to adopt a boy from simcity. His name was Cashew.. Odd name but the boy was cute. 

I didn't know much about this boy or why I had to adopt him but I guess if it got me into HT I would do it. 

My career was my main focus though. The kid pretty much kept up with himself, thank the heavens, and the nanny took care of the rest. 

I was doing everything I could to make it to the top. I was even rubbing coats with the top dogs at the company. 

Con-Man pulled through for me and got me a promotion. 

Two of them actually. It was a shock to walk into work after a week and be told I needed to pack my things and move to the 4th floor so I could train under Con-Man. 
Over all May was great to me. I was restless to see what would come next.


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