Hippy Town - Bendett (May 2020)

Bendett Household
Marisa Bendett - 44 , Rodney Jung - 47 , Miko Bendett-Sims - 13 , Micah Bendett-Sims - 12 , Rosemary Jung - 9 , Reyna Jung - 6

Most of my friends had their birthday and finally it was my time. 

I was a pleasure sim who liked Red Heads who could cook. I was a simple guy and liked simple things. 

I was straight like most of my friends.

I was still playing the Violin often but my interest were going elsewhere. 

My mom was now the Police Chief. So much for trying to sneak out. 

My baby sister Reyna had her birthday as well. I couldn't believe she was a child now. 

Our dog, Tucker (we thought it was a boy) had 3 pups. 
Ace - the boy pup
Lady Rover & Flo - Girl pups

They truly were very cute but my mom said we couldn't keep them. As soon as they were old enough we had to adopt them out. 

I was becoming quite the artist. I drew a lot of people around town and they never knew. I just liked to practice. 

Tucker was a good dog mommy.

It was hard to get any work done at home. It was always full of far too many people. I needed time and quiet to think, especially when I had a lot of projects. 

Thankfully my parents understood my need for privacy and bought ne a drafting table. 

It wasn't all bad living in my house. Granted I didn't care for kids but my sisters were pretty awesome. 

Mom made us take a photo together. She wanted something to put up of all of us. I understand it and I think we look great! 

May was a great month for me. I got a drafting table and I met a pretty cool lady, Marsha. 

My step dad also topped his career which was pretty awesome. He brought in a lot of money for the family and it lead us to live a cushy life. 

Marsha was pretty much over all the time. We were quickly becoming fast friends. I even thought she was pretty. 

May ended in Tucker getting a job as an extra. I knew our neighbors dog did the same thing. Hopefully Tucker made some friends. 



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