HT - Smart (Aug22)


Ryder-Smart Household -
Becka -  58 , Rain - 47 , Benjamin - 15

The end of summer starts with Heather, from the society, stealing the newspaper. Rain has so many enemies. 

Benji and his dog are still thick as thieves. 

Becka pays off this horrid maid so she stops bullying my baby. It doesn't last long and we wont be seeing this maid for much longer. 

Benji and Nervous are fast becoming friends. 

Rain is still writing just at a much slower pace. 

With Rain making decent money now, Becka was able to retire. 

Benji gives himself a slight makeover and looks amazing. 

Death Note grows up and is cute!

Aug also brings in some surprises. Mattie stops by but with a surprise. 

Do you remember back in december when Mattie and Benji messed around? Well Mattie ended up pregnant and in July he had his baby. Welcome Zakary to the commune. Also Teen parents. Couldn't have happen to anybody else honestly. 

With a baby and this couple have been together for a while, Becka and Rain agree that it is okay for Mattie to move in with them so the two can raise their son together. 

Land Mass grows up too and is very very cute. 

Sim babies dont stay babies for very long so Zakary grows up.

He is the CUTEST

Rain secures a promotion at work and is making a fantastic amount of money now. The family seriously needs it. 

Benji starts toddler training his son. 

And Mattie gets an after school job as a teacher aide. He isn't making much money but he is at least bringing in something. 

Zakary is the the cutest and I love him so much. 

A little bit of potty training from his dad and Zakary is a happy child. 

Aug ends with 1 getting a top level promotion in his job. 


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