
Showing posts from 2020

A Dead Dream - Intro

  ~First year of college~ Macy walks into her dorm room. After days of travel, she just wanted to relax. That wasn't in the plan though as she walks into someone sitting at her desk.  "Uh, who are you and what are you doing?" The girl looks up with me with a sleepish smile. "Sorry, I really needed to use a computer and I saw your first." I click my tongue at her with a hard glare. She quickly exits out of whatever she was doing and get up. "Sorry love. It was an honest emergency." On the far side of the dorm house a plain looking girl was reading over her first course book. It was dreadfully boring and not worth much.  After setting her things down, Macy heads to the chess table for a quick game with a very handsome man. "Hi, I'm Macy." He raises a brow but doesn't reply. I guess he wanted a silent game.  Originally Jenni kept to herself after her mess up. She was often caught at the easel painting away her embarrassment.  All the do...

Hippy Town - December Continued

  Welcome back to Hippy Town, We have some birthdays, moves, and new sims moving in. Lets take a look. First up we have Keven. He is now 18 and off to live on the military base.  (That will be downtown) He looks amazing ! Keven Gunther - Hobby: Fitness (Yoga)  LTW: Have 3 kids by 3 ppl His twin brother King is next. He applies to college and he is off as well.  Next up we have Beth Wendland. She is a popularity sim. Her brother Burt also grows up, he is a Fortune.  Rosemary gets her time in the son and is now a teenager as well. She is a family sim.  Hazelnut becomes an adult and is a pleasure.  Mattie and Benji move out of their parents house into a cute apartment across town. Benjamin gets a job as a Security Guard. He has dropped out of school to help his boyfriend raise their child. Mattie will be doing College online so lets hope they figure it out as teenager parents.  Back over to Keven Gunther. He has moved to base and is very happy to be ...

Hippy Town - Smart(Dec23)

  Welcome back to Hippy town, my favorite town with my favorite people. Today we are on the last month of the year after that there will be some changes to gameplay since I am almost done with this challenge. Gotta keep it interesting.  My favorite family of this whole challenge is my Smart family with Rain and Becka, Mattie and Benji, and finally there son, Zakary. They have 4 animals and its awesome.  Becka starts teaching her grandson how to speak. It isn't going the best at the moment.  Mattie has his 18th birthday. No college for these boys since they decided to have a child! How he is a high school teacher even though he just finished high school himself? The world may never know but that won't be it for long.  Matthew Fancy ♥ Still my favorite couple in game by far.  Winter stops by to get some basic magic lesson from Becka. Isn't much Becka can teach Winter as her soul chose dark magic but she can learn the basics at least.  With Mattie being ...


  Location: Brov77 Time: Year 1.2 Current Queen: Aurra Dys The first aliens to make it to Brov77 was the Caregivers - Veczux The discussed local politics under their home before they started unpacking.  The next aliens that made it were the Drones - Anzuk.  They didn't actually get along very well.  Thankfully they had the Caregivers stop by to distract them from their bickering.  The last household was the Birth Queen.  Everyone stopped by to make sure she had made it over okay.  Caals, being a drone, had one job and he planned to fulfill it.