Kingdom Come - Year 102a

Year 102 starts off with Bhatta. 

Life was kind to her. She was warm in the cold, food in her belly, 

She was also lucky enough to be promoted at her job. 

Usha starts a fire in her home but thankfully it was burned too bad. 

Usha: I need to pack for my move. 
Usha had lived in her family home long enough. She finally had saved enough to move to a home of her own. 

Her job was nice but she didn't care for it. The first thing Usha does when she gets to her new home is find another job. 

One for Nursing pops up and Usha jumps at the chance. 

The next morning Usha has a visitor. The woods settler Usha had heard so much about. They talk for a while before things move to another level. 

Usha doesn't know what got into her but she couldn't resist him. 

Over some time Usha started to feel very sick. 

She quickly find out. Usha was pregnant. 

Usha tried to keep like normal appearances. An unwed servant who was living alone and now pregnant. This would never do. She calls her friend over hoping he will help her. 

But wind got back to Tommy Woods and he was having none of it. He was going to marry her. She didn't understand how that would work as they were from different tribes. 



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