Kingdom Come - Year 100d


The last family is the Noble Suryadevara family. This is the family that found out their son was enjoying life at a whore house a bit too much and had two children. When the whore drops them off on their doorstep the family has to quickly figure out what to do with them. 

Anish: No Har that isn't right.
Harinder: Uh yes it is dad.
Anish and his son didn't see eye to eye on much and honestly all the Nobles in town were surprised the prude Anish would even be in a whore house. It made everyone laugh that his son would be the most opinionated boy in the world. 

Anish: What the HELL are you doing here? Don't you work at the whore house?
Anish had Usha mistaken and the comment was so offensive she didn't know how to respond. 

Angry and hurt Usha heads outside to leave.
Kishan: Whoa there Slave girl, where are you going?
Usha: Your disrespectful son just called me a whore! I may be a lot of things but a Whore I am not.
Kishan: I apologize for him dear. We hired you to help with things around the house not be accused of things below your stature. 
Usha: I-i .. Thank you for that. I am sorry letting my anger get the best of me. 
Rajni: We understand deary. Please be patient with our son, he has some hurt feelings.

By days end Usha goes to leave but is unable to find Rajni to let her know she was leaving for the day. She thinks she hears someone outside and when she goes to look it is none other then Anish. 
Usha: That is a beautiful picture
Anish: What would you know about beautiful paintings.
Usha: Enough to know that one is beautiful, either way I am off for the day and just wanted to let someone know.
Anish: Good Riddance. 

Jasvinder: I don't like it here much
Harinder: Mmm me either. I miss mom.
Jas: Mom is gone Harinder. She is never coming back
Harinder: I know that. Hopefully boarding school will be better. 
Jas: Hopefully it will be. 


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