Hippy Town - Picaso (Jan23)


Picaso Household -
Matthew - 37 , Jessica - 31 , Skye - 2 , Tina - 0 , Jamie - 0

The new year comes in with the Picaso family. Matt teaches his daughter Skye how to walk and she gets the hang of it. 

Jessica has her babies. She had 2 of them. 

Tina Lynn

Jamie Marie

The family still doesn't make a lot of money and now with 3 kids and the need for a bigger house the family is struggling. 

That doesn't stop them from taking care of their kids and loving them. They do decide to hold off on having anymore though in hopes for a promotion soon. 

Nelly, one of the puppies from Lady Rover and a stray grows up.

"Baby, you only make 70 dollars a day from your job and with 3 kids now we need more income."
"I hear you. I will look for another job now. I just liked the hours and being able to spend some time at home."
"I understand my love but I barely make enough to support us."

Matt gets a job as a shop clean up and is making a lot more money every day.

The families other dog (cant remember the name) died today. 

Matts first day of work gets him a nice promotion with a raise. Jessica was happy as she felt they may be able to move soon or at least add on to their current house. 

Tina is a daddies girl for sure. 

With the bit of extra income, Jessica adopts a kitten they name Bubbles. 

Matt trains up their pup Lady Rover. He keeps rolling wishes for it so I might as well. Hopefully after I complete this he will roll a skill want!

Jessica gets Nelly a job in the show biz career. I really need more pet jobs. 

That job for Nelly didn't last very long as he just didn't have the stuff. Jan of the new year for this family ended on a high note. 


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