Kingdom Come - Year 101a


Merchant Hari family brings in the new year. 

The family was still mourning the death of their mother/daughter but life must go on. For now the kids are living with their grandmother. She has big plans for her oldest grandchild. She was a smart and beautiful girl, she should have no problem getting married. 

It had been many many years since Rukmini had to teach a toddler anything, Chandan was proving more difficult then needed. 

Thankfully for Rukmini the door bell rang. Gulzar ran to greet whoever was at the door. It was her Nanas friend Noblemen Kishan. 
Gulzar: Hi sir, how are you today.
Kishan: I am fantastic young lady. Is your grandmother home?
Gulzar: Yes she is, she is teaching my little brother how to talk. The only words he has learn thus far is "for" "fuck" sake".
At this Kishan bust out laughing. His friendship with the local winer Rukmini was proving to be beneficial in more ways then one. 

Merchant Pal also came over. Rukmini was probably the closest thing he had to a friend around town and he came over once in a while to help her out, especially now that her daughter was dead. Saranyu listens in on the mens conversation about the new settlers in town. She wonders what makes them dangerous.


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