Hippy Town - Dawson (June23)


Dawson Household -
Cheyenne - 27 , Tre - 23 , Steven - 5

First day of summer starts with a birthday. Steven is growing into a child today. 

He grows up into a very cute child with good fashion sense. 

Chey had to dash off to work right after aging up Steven so it was up to Tre to entertain guest. He tried to keep a low profile as he wasn't sure what Devon had told people about him. 

Mattie: "Hey! I didn't get to meet you guys when you first moved in but now you live like right across the straight from my boyfriend, son and I so welcome."
Tre: "Thanks kid. So you have a son? You look a little young to adopt."
Mattie: Oh uh, my boyfriend is an alien witch so I got pregnant for real and gave birth.
Tre: Oh....

Cheyenne comes home with a promotion. She loved her job but it wasn't what kept them warm at night. She was thinking of switching careers again. 

Another day, another promotion. 

Steven: I have to say I don't like politics.
Chey: What do you know about politics Moo?
Steven: Enough.. Ms. S held a class on it today.
Chey: Wh-Why are you being taught politics in your kindergarten class?!

That aside, Chey meets Vid and they have 3 bolts. They talk about their love of science and he tells her about his brother that is pregnant by an alien.
Chey: OH wow. That is a thing? I guess I should know that as my boyfriend met this kid who had a baby with his alien witch boyfriend. This place is fascinating. 
Vid: Alien witch you say? That is truly remarkable. 

After her exciting conversation with Vidcund, Chey heads to the telescope to see whats out there. 

She gets more then she bargained for. 

Tre is there though to ease the wounds. Cheyenne wonders what will come of that abduction. She hoped another child as she had heard many had before her. 


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