Kingdom Come Reboot

 As many of you may know, last year I had a challenge called Kingdom Come. It was literally the best thing in the world but I lost it when my son broke my computer.. Nonetheless I often times think about it and how I just loved that series so much. I can't get it out of my mind as of late and have decided why not reboot it. 

Of course there is no way for me to get those characters back OR remake them as I have completely new cc in game and everything about my game is different including my computer SO I figured I would come up with a little back story to this reboot and why everything is different:

300 years in the future Kingdom Come has all but restarted itself. After the great war and many of the settlers fleeing after their horrible lost, Kingdom Come has come to know peace. That is until King Wolfe decides he will not let his family name be thrown. He, his family, and a family of slaves move to Kingdom Come to concur what he believes is rightfully his. 

Now that we know that bit of information lets introduce our families. This time there are many more raiders then settlers which fits the story to a tee. Lets get started with the Raider Families. 

Thakkar family is a noble family. It consist of 5 members. Pratibha and his wife Karna were looking forward to empty nest life but when there son's wife died after giving birth to twins and then promptly moved back in the couple let go of that dream. Aurangzeb has twin girls.

Pratibha -
LTW: Donate 100k
Science - Biotech

Karna - 
LTW: Have a house worth 150k
Film/Lit - Blogging

Aurangzeb -
Donate 150k
Romance/Grilled Cheese
Arts&Crafts - Sculpting

Manjula -
Donate 50k
Games - Darts

Shanta - 
Breed 3 pets
Film/Lit - Writing

Next is the Noble Suryadevara Family. Kishan and Rajni youngest son never actually left home, his parents didn't mind as they loved having him around. It was a huge shock to everyone when 2 kids got dropped off at their doorstep. After some investigating they found out there son had been visiting the local whore house and engaging in lude activities. Now they had two grandchildren they didn't know a thing about. 

Kishan - 
Donate 100k
Music&Dance - Singing

Rajni - 
Top 4 Careers
Science - Biotech

Anish -
Have 5 Enemies
Film/Lit - Watching TV

Jasvinder -
Go out on 20 outings
Arts&Crafts - Painting

Harinder -
Work 5 careers
Science - Biotech

Noble Andhak Family contains 6 members. Mostly women. Neela wasn't shocked when her husband ran off with their maid. She had known about the affair for a while she just never expected him to leave. After 3 failed marriages and 2 cheaters Neela figured maybe marriage wasn't for her. Now a single woman with 5 kids she has to do everything she can to keep up appearances. Her good breeding won't get her very far. 

Neela -
Become a zombie
Cuisine - Cooking
Military: Elite Forces (lv2)

Ravindra - 
Work 3 careers to level 3
Film/Lit - Blogging

Kali -
Breed 10 pets
Film/Lit - Reading

Leela -
Work 5 careers
Tinkering - Repairing

Sunitha -
Max 3 skills
Arts&Crafts - Toy Making

Rajesh -
Have 4 best friends
Science - Biotech

Merchant Pal. The loner, the weird guy. Pal is a half-breed. His family dates back to the great war, his Great x grandmother, kidnapped by raiders during the war, had children and stayed local. The family had always had a hard time fitting in and Bijoy Pal was no different.

Earn 2 Hobby Cards
Fitness - Lifting

Merchant Hari was a family of women doing their best. They own a small food shop but  Gulzar hopes to take it to the next level one day. 

Rukmini -
Top a Career
Arts&Crafts - Drafting

Work 5 careers
Fat/Servos - Fitness
Fitness - Swimming

Gulzar - 
Own 5 top level Businesses
Cuisine - Cooking

Donate 100k
Cuisine - Cooking

Slave Bhatta is looking for 2 things in life, work and love. That isn't easy in such a small community but Usha has high hopes. 

Usha -
Reach Golden Ann
Vampire/Educated - Cologne

The only family I forgot to get a picture of was another merchant family The Merchant Kaimal. They consist of 6 sims. Not much is known about this family as they tend to keep to themselves. It is a rumor though that Akhil is a werewolf and so are his offspring. 

Akhil - Elder
Become a werewolf
Games - Chess

Lakshmi - Elder
Earn 500k
Arts&Crafts - Flower Arranging

Ratna -
Throw 10 roof raisers
Science - Biotech

Bala - 
Top Law Enforcemenet
Film/Lit - Writing

Brijesh - 
Own 3 clubs
Tinkering - Robot Crafting

Breed 10 pets
Tinkering - Woodworking

Now that we know a little bit about our raiders lets move on to the Settlers:

For the settlers we have first up, The Royal Wolfe Family. King Travis, old and probably going crazy, is determined to make something of himself. He is only considered a King here though as he is the 3rd child of his father King Ransom. With some money from his dad and his family in tow, he heads out to Kingdom Come to make a name for himself. 
(The people not listed but are in the picture.. They are dead. I rolled randomly for ages and such for the full affect)

King Travis -
Turn 5 People into witches
Plantsim/Influential - Mechanical

Prince Craig -
Have 5 Pets

Prince Steve - 
Get a sewing badge and open a business

Have 1 type of every pet

Last family is the Slave Woods. Tommy, a newly single father after his wife dies in labor is doing everything he can to make ends meet. When he meets a beautiful slave woman though from the Raider clan he reconsiders his allegiance to King Wolfe. What will come of this budding romance and will he abandon ship or will his new bride help them succeed in taking Kingdom Come. 

Tommy -
Work 3 careers
Cologne/Black Hair - Servo

Megan -
Top Artist
Jewlery/Fitness - Brown Hair

Douglas -
Breed 3 pets
Educated/Logical - Fitness

Ruby -
Have 3 alien babies



Well there are the intros and I hope everyone enjoyed the little back stories of the families. Some things to note. I won't be doing realistic ages (for now) with this gameplay and just like last time there is an ROS and that determines the families I play that round. I am starting light with 4 ROS and 4 families played a 'year' As the families grow I am sure my rotations will as well. Without further ado lets get into the first days of the 4 families I will be playing. 
(Andhak, Bhatta, Pal, and Suryadevara)


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