Kingdom Come - Swrahn/Gyxant 504

Krea played with her dolls and blocks, she was nervous for her first day of school. With a father in jail she hoped the kids were kind.

Katelyn gets started on the garden, she knew how important it was to have food out here. She knew a grocery store had opened in town but there was nothing like fresh food you grew. 

The old Orphanage Director came over to the house. Kate, now settled, wanted to know how Hadwisa and Eloisa was and what she had to do to adopt them. 

"I'm sorry to inform you I am no longer the Director but Hadwisa and Eloisa are in good hands!"
"Well you still know how I can adopt them right?"
"You would just go up there and talk to the new Director, I don't see why you would be denied. You take good care of your children and you have the means to adopt."
"Lets not play coy, my husband is in jail and I was a whore.. He has every reason to deny me." 
The old director pinched his lips shut. She had a very good point there.  

Later that night Kate finds out she is pregnant. Apart of her was excited but the other half was nervous, could she actually take care of 4 children? 

The next morning Kate calls her friend Jan over to chat. She needed advice on what to do.
"Oh my darling, you are with baby."
"I am but that isn't why I have invited you over. Come inside, I need help."
Jan came in and listened to all of her friends problems, her solution was simple.
"You will never know until you try."

Katelyn decides to hold off on adopting the girls until she was a little bit ahead in her career. Krea comes home with a friend, the girls name was Shelly and she was in the orphanage.. It was like the Watcher was trying to speak to her. 

The promotions roll in quickly for Kate, everything was working out for her and she couldn't be more grateful. The only thing that would make this perfect would be for her husband to be home. 511 couldn't come quick enough.

Kate didn't have a lot of time to think about much when her child decided now was the time to come. 

The labor was hard. Very hard. Right after giving birth to her son Arnold, Katelyn felt sharp pains in her stomach. Krea could do nothing as she watched her mother die. 
"Take care of your brother and when your dad gets out let him know I love him so much okay baby?"
Krea crys hard, this couldn't be happening. First she loses her father and now her mother. 

Thankfully the Watcher had other plans for her (No i didn't, she was suppose to DIE).  The grim came to collect her and his frozen heart softened. 
"Where is your husband child."
"He is in jail, please don't take me, my girls need me!"
"If you can pick your soul from my hand correctly I will let you live."

Katelyn sits at her dinning table thinking about her life and the events. She couldn't believe this is what she signed up for all those years ago.

Time passed with ease and soon it was winter time. Katelyn had been getting harassed by the older settlers and she was tired of it. When she sees one walk past her house she goes out to confront her. 
"What are you even doing on this side of town?"
"Why nothing whore, just walking through."

The conversation is cut short when Kate realizes a fire had broken out by her garden.
"NO, not my garden!"

Katelyn runs over to put the fire out as best she could but by that time the fire was uncontrollable. 

Once again she was in front of the grim.
"Second time in how many days? I am not one to give chances child."
"Please, please. This wasn't my fault."
"Same game, good luck my child. Believe something though, the next time you die there will be no game, do you understand."
Katelyn cries and kisses his feet.
"Yes, yes I understand!"

Luck seemed to be on her side as she won her soul back for a second time. She hoped it would be the last..

With life almost ending twice, Katelyn decides to not delay.. She talks to the twins about living with her. They both agree, excited. Kate promised they would be in the house before the end of the year. 

The month and winter ends with Arnolds birthday. Kate wished more then anything her husband could be here to see his son grow up

He grew up looking so much like Jason.


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