Kingdom Come - Tluelt 506

I was finally able to rid myself of my bed but I could feel the heart break aging me. 

Like my brother these years had turned my hair grey and made me feel slow and week. 

Even in this premature old age my brother was as youthful as ever.. He was excited for his little child to be born.. It would be anyday now.

Rissa gave birth to a little girl late in the night. Thankfully the child was safe and healthy.

My brother and sister in law weren't able to help with my daughter so I took back over the responsibility.

I got back into gardening, I could only do so much with my tired limbs.

Soon enough it was a birthday in the house, I was excited to see the children grow.. The war was only beginning but I hoped these children dawned a new day.

I was proud that my daughter had taken up on my habit of painting.


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