Kingdom Come - Vigoz 505

Baldemar holds his wife close.. Pong, Aliss father, was the first to die in this war.. Baldemar knew more would die before this war was over. 

Baldmare tried to keep the children in good spirits..

"This is wrong.. I- We are unmarried.."

"Oh girl, in times such as these those laws matter not."

"You are leaving tomorrow?"
"Yes, I want to be with my beloved.. I will leave at first light."
"Be safe dear.. No more Hores need to die in this kingdom."

Sanson comes over and Rissa proposes to him. He accepts quickly.. He wants to take her back with him but she tells him to have patience. 

Rissa spends the last night with her family before she is off in the morning with her beloved. 

Vigoz ends with Aliss getting closer to her due date.. These were bad times to be with child but Aliss couldn't be happier. 


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