Kingdom Come - Thuelt 504

WELCOME TO YEAR 504. I am excited for this year because it is packed with a lot of crazy events. I hope you enjoy!

Jason was so in love with Krea. He would spend hours playing with her or making her laugh. You could guarantee wherever one was the other wasn't far behind.  

But Jason had a dark secret. He did something horrible. 
"I hope you don't hate me my love. I am so sorry. I only wanted to protect our family from the Raiders. As you know I am, or use to be, a raider and you don't just leave.."
"But to kill a girl? A young mother?" 
"It was a sacrifice to them. It was the only way.
With a heavy heart Katelyn gets up from the table and starts clearing it. 

"Please don't hate me baby." 
"I don't my sweets. I just hope the judge goes light on you."

The Judge gave Jason 7 years, it wasn't the max but it was still a long time. The judge also granted him the ability to see his daughter age up that night and he was to report to jail the next morning. 

The whole family was in mourning but at least they got one more night with him.
While Jason and Krea were looking at the stars, Krea looks for a job for her family. Money would be tight, and they didn't have many friends but she would make it work somehow.

First night in jail was hard for Jason. There wasn't much to do here and it was relatively lonely. 


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