Kingdom Come - Year 502 - Part 4

Manuel wanted more children, Brea wasn't excited about it but after having twins by another man and one of her children dying she decided why not...

Osanna was busy keeping the house in order.. Her parents weren't the cleanest and it really bothered her. 

Baby making and tub fixin' wasn't the only exciting thing happening the forth month of the year.. Some of the settlers were fighting. Iame and Darby got to watch the whole thing and they cheered it on. Osanna didn't care much for violence so she continued her chores and ignored the fight. 

Brea was definitely pregnant, this feeling was unmistakable. 

Manuel got a job, with more opportunities in Kingdom Come he wanted to get a jump start before the younger generation started working. 

Manuel wasn't the only one getting a job. Iame joined the socialites.. hoping to better his status in Kingdom Come.


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