Kingdown Come - Thuelt 503
Year 503 comes in with the Raiders. Armund and Idunn were still doing well. Idunn was helping Armund get ready for his marriage.
Sari was doing well and thriving with the Raiders. Today was the day of her tattoo.. All women of Raiders got there face tattooed and Sari had gone through the rituals so she could become apart of them. She had long since abandoned her family ties.
The wedding was beautiful! Everyone gathered around to enjoy the celebration. Lexie was finally a Gunnr - Second wife to the chief.
Dan was also in the market to find himself a wife, his heart was set on someone already but he had never been lucky in love like his brother.
Sari had never experienced jealousy before but she guessed this is the feeling. She was unhappy. She really cared for Dan and didn't understand why he didn't see her the same way.
The wives of Armund were busy study. Life skills were very important to the Raiders. Women should be able to handle anything just incase something was to happen to the Chief.
The time finally came for Idunn to have her baby. She was glad she would never have to do this again as her husband now had a new toy.
Erica Gunnr was born
Amund gets a job in the criminal career while his daughter, Torny, does him proud by learning the gardening skill.
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