Year 502 Summary

502 was a really crazy year for my sims.. Lets look at what I rolled this round.

*1. Lose all children to orphange (Mazza)
*2. Lose first born daughter to whore house (Zarubin)
*3. Move in new family (Falto)
*4. Win 5000 dollars (Despret)
*5. Death by illness (mazza)
*6. Complete 3 fear (Zarubin)
*7. Get caught having an affair (Ray)
*8. Death by murder (zarubin)
*9. Sent to jail (adams)

*10. Lose first born son (ray)

  • We started the round off with the poor Mazza family losing all their children, Hadwisa and Eloisa to an orphange. Aliss got to stay only because she is a teen. They also lost young Marx that was Pongs gateway to safety. He works with the Raiders a lot but he doesn't trust them. 
  • The other family that seems to get hit hard is the Zarubin, they lost there first born daughter and there son. 
  • At one point the Zarubin had the most children but they are all spread out now and the house feels really empty. We also played the Zarubins the most this round which was nice because I love this family. 
  • We got a new family this round as well. Hopefully we get to learn more about them if the wheel decides it. They are the first family with elders.. 
  • The Rays had a harsh year too, Kenny got caught having an affair and they lost their first born son, Owun, RIP BABY. On the bright side Tiffany had triplets which now makes them the family with the most kids.. They also found out there oldest daughter, Dimia, is engaged to be married to the Orphanage Director. Which is creepy because he is close to being an elder and Dimia is a young adult (Independent teen)
  • This poor settlement has only been going for '4' years which is a really long time in sim time but they have gone through so much stuff. I am excited to see what will go on in year 503. Hopefully we play some new families and meet some new sims or see some sims we havent seen in a long while. 


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